Race Conversation

June 9, 2020

Dear Medway families, faculty, and staff, 

The Medway Public Schools will be hosting:  A Community Conversation About Race for families, faculty, and staff on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. via the GoToWebinar virtual platform.  

Our commitment to the work of providing an anti-biased, antiracist curricular experience for our students who will someday contribute boldly to our greater society remains firm.  We were heartened by the shared commitment demonstrated during the #medwaymarches event that took place on Sunday, June 7, and know that our students are demanding a change in support of humanity.

We are pleased to welcome our long standing partners in this essential work, IDEAS’ allies (Initiatives for Developing Equity and Achievement for Students),  to the district to guide us in learning and dialogue.  A flier for the event can be found here:  A Community Conversation About Race, June 11, 2020.  Pre-registration is required and we ask that questions and comments be submitted ahead of time.  Registration is here and questions/comments can be added here.  Log-in credentials will be sent to all registered participants just prior to the event.

For additional questions prior to the event, please contact Kathleen Bernklow, Director of Student Services, at kbernklow@medwayschools.org or at 508-533-3229.

We hope that you will join us, 

Armand Pires, Ph.D.
