

Auditorium Usage

Fee Schedule

Field & Turf Usage

Rental Cost Estimator

(under construction call 508-533-6643 x 5030 for info)

Usage Policy

Facilities Use Application

Field & Turf Usage

Explanation Of Field Turf Warranty

The following is a list of field use included in the Field Turf warranty as “any other uses for which Field Turf gives its written authorization”.

  • Physical education classes (team and individual sporting events and kinesthetic activities), interscholastic athletics, semi-professional athletics, intramural sports and community athletic programs including, but not limited to the following:

    Football, cheerleading, soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, frisbee, speedball, hockey, baseball, softball, jogging, mini-golf, kickball, capture the ball, team handball and hurdling.

  • Civic gatherings where chairs, tables, staging, public address systems and lights may be used including, but not limited to the following:

    Marching band/flag bearer practices and competitions, musical/dance/entertainment performances, Medway Pride Day and other civic events/festivities/fairs, graduation and other gatherings and recognition activities; recreational field days including various family games.

Priorities For Use Of Field Turf

  1. Medway Public Schools

  2. Medway youth organizations

  3. Medway adults organizations

  4. All other groups

Medway youth and Medway adult organizations, refers to the “organization” and not specific members of such organization.

Conditions Of Use

  1. All adult groups must submit an official typed roster for each team in its organization. The roster must include team name, each individual’s name, and each individual’s address.

  2. Each coach must have a copy of the organization’s approved facilities use form with him/her at the field.

  3. Fields will be reserved for the organization’s practice or play. Individual coaches must request additional field time through his/her organization’s officials.

  4. Unless otherwise indicated on the approved facilities use form, field space may not be shared with other organizations.

  5. Field use is permitted only for the times specified on the approved facilities use form. Organizations should not come earlier or leave later than the times specified.

  6. Medway Public Schools has first priority on the field. If an event is running late, the game(s) will be finished before the next group uses the field, regardless of the time stated on the facilities use form.

  7. Approved tournaments supersede all other requests. No tournament may be scheduled without submitting a facilities use form.

  8. All equipment used on the field should meet current state standards.

  9. All litter must be picked up and removed by the organization at the end of the field use.

  10. No alcohol or drugs are permitted on the field or consumed within the limits of the field.

  11. No vehicle of any type is permitted on the field at any time.

  12. All organizations are responsible for providing their own equipment.

  13. The school department is not responsible for any items lost or stolen.

  14. Parking should be only in designated areas. Do not block exits or emergency access.

  15. Each organization is responsible for making sure that all its personnel, coaches, parents and participants are aware of all rules regarding use of fields, as stated in this addendum.

Safety Information

  1. Coaches must walk the fields and surrounding area prior to use. A potential hazard must be reported to players and the opposing team(s). Report hazards to the Director of Facilities and league officials.

  2. Fields may not be used, for any reason, when closed by the Medway School Department.

Inclement Weather

  1. The field is automatically closed if standing water is evident.

  2. Use of the field when closed, or when standing water is evident, jeopardizes the safety of all, most especially children.

  3. If an organization has an approved facilities use form but attempts to use the field when closed or when standing water is evident, it will be charged any maintenance costs required to restore the field to its original condition before usage.


Any organization not abiding to the conditions as set forth in this addendum will be assessed a fine or will jeopardize its access to use the field in the future.